Web Site Overhaul Details about the new look and feel of the web site. Maybe some random other notes.
Nihilism: The Recurring End of Civilization How civilizations implode and my humbly idea to stop this happening to our’s by just holding our finger over the BIG RED BUTTON and staying mellow.
Music And Guitar Practice Plans My musical plans for the future. Practice regiment, songs to learn, and adjusting hardware.
Project Updates & Staying Focused Updates on projects I’m going to start and ideas I’m going to try to stay focused.
2023 Update Updates for 2023
Upgraded my Fender Strat with Fishman Fluence pickups Pickup upgrades to my Fender Statocaster guitar with pictures. A review of the Fishman Fluence single coil pickups.
Got the mother of all amplifiers Nostalgic purchase of one of my favorite guitar amplifiers of all time. Many years ago I used on of the original SLO-100s. This was a great purchase. Now I need to get a new Mesa Boogie at around the same wattage.
Upgraded the Carvin CT6M with Fishman Fluence Pickups Showing off my CT6M with some explanation of the upgrades including the Fishman Fluence modern humbuckers. All the additional wiring etc needed to get the maximum number of voice. Great guitar.
New (kinda) Jeep Wrangler Got a second Jeep Wrangler. Really missed my old one and regretted getting the Cherokee, even though I needed better milage at the time.
Research in the Humanities vs the Sciences Some of my “deep thoughts” about academia and why everyone seems to want to associate their area of study with hard sciences so much these days. Why that might be a bad idea etc.
Currently Listening: LORN LORN, my current favorite electronic musician. Probable favorite for ever.
Taligent and The Software Golden Fleece Many years ago while working at Barnes and Nobles I found a bunch of books in the technology section about Taligent. Became fascinated with what the project was trying to do and the things they were achieving. I recently bought those books online and wanted to do a little post about them.